- 8-12.03.2025: Keynote speaker at IEEE Virtual Reality 2025, Saint-Malo, France. Teaser video.
- 13-15.11.2024: Keynote speaker at ArtsIT2024, NYU Abu Dhabi.
- 19-21.06.2024: Keynote speaker at MetaACES - The 2nd International Conference on Metaverse and AI Companions in Education and Society, Taiwan.
- 08-09.02.2024: Speaker at Presence in VR (Philosophical perspectives), "The sense of presence in Mixed Reality environments," Athens, Greece.
- 29.09.2023: Keynote speaker at ACM MobileHCI '23, Athens, Greece.
- 05-06.05.2023: Speaker at Advancing Digital Exhibition of Cultural Heritage, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA.
- 10.03.2023: paper published: Ganias et al. (2023). Comparing Different Grasping Visualizations for Object Manipulation in VR using Controllers. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2023.3247039
- 25-27.10.2022: WIRE-EUGAIN Annual Workshop, Hamburg, Germany. Organiser of Networking session as Science Communication Manager
- 24.09.2022: “The art and design of XR” Symposium 2022, presenter of 'Visiting an Ancient Athenian Home within a Multi-visitor, Multi-sensorial eXtended Reality Storytelling Experience'
- 23.09.2022: “The art and design of XR” Symposium 2022, presenter of 'Designing Historical Empathy into a Shared Cultural Heritage VR Experience'
- 27.06.2022: ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference 2022, Doctoral Consortium co-Chair
- 28.05.2022: panelist "Mapping materialities: Digital embodied interactions with Iannis Xenakis’ work", Xenakis 22 Centenary International Symposium
- 27-29.10.2021: WIRE-EUGAIN Annual Workshop, Madrid, Spain. Participant as Science Communication Manager
- 08.10.2021: panelist "Digital technology and ‘In Sparkling Company'" about the Virtual Glass Drawing Room for the Corning Museum of Glass
- ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) 2021: General Conference co-Chair
- 09.12.2020: Member of the Advisory Council of ONX Studio (Onassis USA & New Museum’s NEW INC) XR studio
- 07.11.2020: Keynote speaker at Οπe\n conference. Talk titled "The Role of Big Data Visualization in an Era of Pandemics" (video)
- 22-23.10.2020: BRIDGES (H2020 Innovation Action) project kickoff meeting. PI for the Univ. of Athens.
- 17.06.2020: ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference 2020, Doctoral Consortium co-Chair
- 12.06.2020: 2nd Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2020), General co-Chair
- 27-29.11.2019: Keynote speaker at Games and Learning Alliance - GALA 2019 conference.
- 22.11.2019: Keynote speaker at ICOM Europe / ICOM-Greece's Embracing the virtual: European museums respond to the digital challenge, Acropolis Museum, Athens. Download full Program.
- 23.11.2019: Opening remarks, Usability and Accessibility Days 2019, Sustainable Design for the Future Digital Heritage.
- 18.11.2019: Panelist, "Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας στις Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες και τον Πολιτισμό" (Information Technology in the Humanities & Culture), 30 years ATHENA RC @ Benaki Museum.
- 30.10.2019: EMOTIVE project demo event at Hunterian Museum, Glasgow
- 07.06.2019: 1st Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2019), General co-Chair
- 08.05.2019: 'Transformation through Provocation?' Paper presentation at CHI '19
- 02.05.2019: Keynote talk at the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - CSEDU 2019