1997 - 1998
On-line interactive educational activities based on the Walker Art Center's contemporary art collection.
1997 - 1998
On-line interactive educational activities based on the Walker Art Center's contemporary art collection.
2020 - 2023
BRIDGES is an EU-funded H2020 Innovation Action project aiming at establishing the widespread applicability of collaborative, room-scale, immersive eXtended Reality environments in training and informal learning domains.
The CitySpace project was a virtual city environment built collaboratively by children.
2020 - 2024
EUGAIN is an EU-funded COST Action, a European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics.
The Mathhopper was an interactive educational math program for early elementary school students.
1996 - 1997
The Narrative-based, Immersive, Constructionist / Collaborative Environments was an interactive virtual learning environment for children.
2003 - 2006
The Virtual Playground is an engaging simulation environment for children 9-12 years old.
The Urban Sherpa was a prototype multimedia architectural tour guide.